Monday, September 19, 2016

June 11-16th Last day of Baseball and Last Day of School

June 11 - La Center Lions Fun Run/Walk 5k

I was trying to discreetly get a photo of this lady's shirt because my friend Meagan is running 2016 miles this year and I wanted to show her the "Run the Year" shirt.

We all ran this 5k together -- I took way too long to post about it so I don't remember how everyone did.   Natasha was up toward the front, then Tamsyn, I ran with Thurston and Jake ran with Dantley

A few pics Jake took during the race--

Dantley had his last baseball game of the season and then his team party at Papa Pete's Pizza. He thought it was a little weird his trophy was a girl playing baseball.

This is what Tamsyn does during her brother's baseball games

June 14 - We had a hail storm today and it made me really nervous for the baby plants in my garden.  Luckily it didn't seem to do much damage.

June 15 - Today was color wars and assembly day for the middle school.  Natasha's home room was assigned pink (which she was not very thrilled about).  She also was given a Math student award.  I didn't know she was getting an award so I wasn't there, but Meagan was there and she took these pics for me.

June 16 - Last Day of School
After volunteering to teach art in Tamsyn's class all year.  Mrs. Alanko asked me and a couple other mom volunteers to come in on the last day.  She gave us each a cute little gift and we helped with the pancake breakfast they had.  Dantley loves to go to Tamsyn's class, they let him participate and even asked him to sign their yearbooks.  He definitely was feeling pretty good about himself when we left. Mrs. Alanko was a great fit for Tamsyn.  She will miss her a lot.

After school, Natasha told me that she was mortified when one of the 7th grade boys who has had a crush on her for a long time gave her a bouquet of home picked roses during band at school. She was nice to him but was totally embarrassed.  He is a nice kid and always goes out of his way to say hi to me when he sees me, but it is definitely awkward for Natasha.  Dantley tried to prevent me from taking a photo of the flowers because he was trying to protect Natasha from being further embarrassed.... but I like to document these things you know.

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