Monday, September 19, 2016

June 16-22nd WHO Convention, Father's Day & Book Mark Celebration

June 16 - The last day of school was early release, so after we got home Tamsyn and I packed up to head north for the WHO convention (Washington Homeschool Organization).  We stayed at Paige's house in Gig Harbor. They were home the first night, then the following night they were out of town so it was just Tamsyn and me at their house.

We introduced them to snapchat filters :)

June 17-18 Things went well at the convention.  I think I had more sales than any other year I have gone, and Tamsyn participated in a whole bunch of wolf camp classes.  She learned how to make rope out of stinging nettle and also learned about a bunch of different typed of edible plants.  She loves that kind of thing -- which is why I brought her.

June 19 - Father's Day
Jake had a rare Sunday morning in which he got to sleep in because they didn't have early bishopric meetings.  The kids brought him breakfast in bed (sour dough pancakes).  Then they gave him his gifts that they had made at school.  Thurston had made an airplane out of smarties and chewing gum, and Dantley had painted him a rock that said "dad you rock." We also gave him some new shorts and a bocce ball set.

June 20 - Thurston has been reading all the Harry Potter series and is excited to be on the 7th and final book.

June 22 - Today was the Book Mark Celebration at the library.  Before the celebration BJ the clown performed.  I think the kids enjoyed it, I enjoyed talking to Kelsey about her trip to Norway during the show (away from the action so we weren't disturbing anyone).

After the clown show they announced the local and regional winners and gave them their framed bookmark.  Tamsyn and Lou Kissinger both won the regional book mark contest for their age groups and so their bookmarks are printed and available in all the libraries throughout the entire Fort Vancouver Library District.  We thought it was kind of funny that both Tamsyn and Lou had done their backgrounds in yellow.  After awards everyone got cupcakes.

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