Sunday, September 18, 2016

May 23 -26 Stuck Truck, Helper and Hives

May 23 - I unexpectedly got an email that I had a delivery coming today.  We had ordered more Nativity Flipzles, but hadn't heard that they had cleared customs yet, and Jake was planning on picking them up himself like he has in the past to save us some money, as delivery is more expensive. Well -- this huge truck came to our house and then after dropping the puzzles off it didn't make it out of our driveway.  I don't know if there wasn't enough weight for it to get out, or if it stopped for passing traffic and couldn't get moving again, but whatever happened it was stuck and called for a tow truck.  It was stuck for several hours.  My friend Brandi parked up at the top of the hill because she was helping me that day and couldn't get down the driveway.  I was relieved that the truck was finally out of the way before I had to get the kids from school.

May 24 - Dantley helped me prune some trees.  He is such a great little helper! Especially when we are working outside.

May 25-
I screens hotted this text because I didn't want to actually send it to Jake because I didn't want him to feel like I was rooting against him getting the job in Kent.  I just had had a feeling after he said that he had a voicemail that we weren't going to be moving.  It was mostly a great sense of relief, but also a bit of sadness for Jake because it is never a nice feeling to know they chose someone other than you.  In this case, they needed someone right away and Jake couldn't start for over a month, maybe two, the other guy could start the next day and wouldn't need to move as he already lived there.  All in all, I don't think it was right for us to go, but it was right for us to go through the experience.  Not sure why, and don't know if we will ever know why.

May 26-
The kids invited the Scrivens kids over after school today.  Tamsyn and Alanna have the most fun creating stories and their own little worlds with their amazing imaginations.  Unfortunately today as they were sauntering out through the tall grass, Alanna had a reaction and they were forced to just play inside.

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